Band Booster Meeting Minutes


Band Booster Meeting

August 10, 2021

6:30 pm 

Attendance-Mick, Tuck, Gunter, Kevin McGuire, Chris Fulcher, Jonna, Woody and Woodly Whichard and  Mr. Foote

James Gunter called the meeting to order.  Kevin McGuire read the previous minutes.

Treasurer Report-Current balance is $7172.67 as of 7/31/21.  Bills to pay include insurance on the band trailer, income to date $66.64 from Givinga Foundation.  The taxes were paid $310 and filed, two scholarships $334 were paid and $200 for festival hosting fee.  A grant was applied and will not hear anything back until at least January if selected.

Committee report


Kevin reported that October 9 is still slated for festival, track is ok to drive on for at least thie year.  The committee met to discuss number of volunteers needed-at least 30 adults and 20 students.  If we do not have any bands registered by 9/1/21, a decision will be made.  We need at least 8 bands to break even.  Other areas that were discussed is concession food, hospitality and transportation.  The next meeting will be 8/31/21.

Old Business

Fair Share was discussed.  It was suggested by Mr. Foote and Mr. Whichard that uniform cleaning be paid by parents as well as other items that may come up.  Fair share has, in the past, been at the discretion of the band director. Mr. Foote stated that fair share would not be required this year.

Senior gifts have all been given except one.

Sponsorship from community business was discussed.  The current form will be reviewed.  Mr. Whichard stated that as a business owner he would prefer something that is seen on a more regular basis such as tshirts listing sponsors or banners that can be hung at the stadium.  He also suggested that business sponsors would probably prefer a smaller sticker that can be placed on the door of the business.  

New Business

Kevin McGuire will work on a sheet for snack signup for games.  He will handle 8/20 game.

Dog Days will be August 13 at 6:00 pm in the school.  Jacinta will contact Hundley’s and Checkers about hot dogs and fixins.  Students will be asked to bring pre packaged cookies, chips and individual drinks due to covid restrictions.  

Director’s Time

Mr. Foote passed out the current schedule of events.  Band will go to all in county games.  He also passed out information on how to get reminder emails.  Currently 10 students for band camp with the possibility of more when school starts.  The students are working hard. He will have concert band both semesters. The band will attend the RCS Showcase of Bands in September.   A suggestion to have drama students be part of the band show.

Open Floor

Kevin will get information about Mrs. Pumpkin’s fundraiser for the next meeting. 

Pam stated that a copy of expense/revenue report was available and will send out to group.

Jacinta stated that she had just spoke with the band director from NE Guilford.  They have not and probably will not sign up for any competitions due to the uncertainty of changing regulations due to covid.  

With no other business to come before the meeting, Anthony made a motion to adjourn, Kevin second and motion passed.

Respectfully submitted

Pamela Mick